If you follow us on social media, you may have noticed our new video. I know watching the superb acting, you might be quick to assume that it was created with professional child actors. But, in fact, those wonderful tiny actors are my two children, Zadie and Tycho. I’d be remiss not to mention that the “mom” was played by their, well mom—my wife. The babysitter? A good friend we tricked into coming over with a bottle of wine.

We use the tagline “for parents. by parents.” I guess all of this is to show you that isn’t just nice catchphrase spun by some disconnected CEO sipping his 40-year-old Armagnac in his ivory tower. We are, in fact, parents. And, I suppose, in the now established spirit of honest informality, I should present myself. I’m David (“Dave” to some. I’m not picky. Also, my Armagnac is waaaaay younger than 40 years.)

I have actually been working for InstantCard, the company who actually prints Child ID Cards. Someone had mentioned that there had been several requests for cards like the ones we now provide here. We decided it was a good idea, and I volunteered to spearhead it, using the cheap labor of my children for promotional photos and videos. I’m sure you may have already noticed a lot of the images on this site are of my daughter.

My kids, so far, have enjoyed their small part in Child ID Cards. My daughter loves having the different cards with her face on them. And, we do actually keep our emergency contact information on a card that’s always attached to her backpack. There’s even one in the pocket of her coat should she ever get lost. One of the people with whom I work at InstantCard also uses them for his children. He says they love them. It was, in fact, his son who requested the firefighter design; which is what gave birth to our bag tags.

So, I can not only report that those are my kids in the advertising, but that all of us involved in this company are also customers. It’s something we believe in, and we’re excited to keep going!